Friday, December 25, 2015

Light and Mercy...

He is a light that lightened our hearts to be guided with in our life path... He is a mercy that we're nourished from to ease the difficulties of life, and that we come to in the hereafter to ask for intercession... He is a life story of love and clemency and a knowledge of ethics that never ends, as long as it's a minaret we live in its light, and we keep it alive by following it... He was sent as a mercy for the worlds... We are his loved ones and he missed us... So O our Lord we ask you his intercession and to be his companions under your majestic throne... We ask you a blessed drink of water, that we never thirst after, from his noble pure generous hand... We ask you to confer blessing upon your beloved prophet Muhammad and grant him peace as fill as the skies and as fill as the earth and as fill as what's between them and as you - O our Lord - like and satisfy...
And O Allah confer blessing and peace upon our master and beloved Muhammad and all his kin and companions...

With all my love...

نور ورحمة...

هو نور أضاء قلوبنا لنهتدي به في مسيرة حياتنا... هو رحمة ننهل منها لتهون علينا مصاعب الدنيا ونقبل عليها لتشفع لنا في الآخرة... هو سيرة من الحب والرأفة وعلم للأخلاق لا تنتهي ما دامت منارة نحيا بنورها ونحييها باتباعها... بعث رحمة للعالمين... نحن أحبابه وقد اشتاق لنا... فيا رب نسألك شفاعته ورفقته تحت عرشك العظيم... نسألك شربة هنيئة لا نظمأ بعدها أبداً من يده الشريفة الطاهرة الكريمة... نسألك صلاة وسلاماً على حبيبك محمد ملء السماوات وملء الأرض وملء ما بينهما وكما تحب يا ربنا وترضى...
وصل اللهم على سيدنا وحبيبنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين...

 مع محبتي...

Friday, December 18, 2015

A Story...

And I tell Him a story in the night... childish maybe... and I know that He is waiting for me every night doesn't get bored of hearing my voice... with me shy sometimes... insistent sometimes... with a voice that doesn't have the strength to arrange the words some other times... and I know He accepts me with all my conditions... with the calmness of my soul or the noisiness of my mind or a longing that burns in my heart... He is here and there sees me and hears me... I am in His eyes... and He is the amiable companion of my path and the light of my prevision and the keeper of my dreams... because He is Allah my God... I didn't know of any similarity to Him...

With all my love...


وأحكي له قصة في الليل... طفولية ربما... وأعلم أنه ينتظرني كل ليلة لا يمل من سماع صوتي... خجولة أحياناً... ملحة أحياناً... بصوت لا يقوى على ترتيب الكلمات أحياناً أخرى... و أعلم أنه يتقبلي بكل حالاتي... بهدوء روحي أو بضجيج عقلي أو بشوق يلتهب في قلبي... هو هنا وهناك يراني ويسمعني... أنا بأعينه... وهو رفيق دربي ومؤنسي ونور بصيرتي ومستودع أحلامي... لأنه الله ربي... ما علمت له سَمِيَّا...

 مع محبتي...

Monday, August 24, 2015


سبحان من آوى الفتية إلى الكهف وسخر لهم الشمس والأرض تحفظهم بحفظه...
سبحان من حفظ ذا النون من بطن الحوت وجعل على لسانه ذكره وتسبيحه...
سبحان من جعل أفئدة من الناس تهوي إلى من سكنوا بواد غير ذي زرع ورزقهم من الثمرات...
سبحان من شفى من مسه الضر برحمته وهو أرحم الراحمين...
سبحان من أنزل سكينته على حبيبه فلم يحزن والله معهما ثالثهما...
سبحان من شق البحر لكليمه...
سبحان من أبرد النار على خليله...
سبحان من يعلم كل ورقة تسقط وكل حبة في جوف الأرض تنبت...
سبحان من يعلم ما تثقل به الصدور وما تتوق إليه القلوب وما لا تقوى الألسن على ترتيب دعائه...
سبحان القريب المجيب... سبحان اللطيف الكريم... سبحان الغفور الرحيم... سبحان البر الودود...

Friday, June 19, 2015

And we dressed our hearts in vestures of your love... and we got scented with the scent of worshiping you... and we chant your name as a serenity on our hearts... and we stand between your hands fearing your anger... and we raise our hands to the sky craving for your mercy and forgiveness... and we dream of a day when we meet you with nothing we wish for except the delight of looking to your face and the companion of your beloved prophet... so shall we meet you satisfied with us?...


وألبسنا قلوبنا ثوباً من حبك... وتطيبنا من شذى ذكرك... ونترنم اسمك على أفئدتنا سكينة... ونقف بين يديك خوفاً من غضبك... ونرفع أيدينا إلى السماء طمعاً برحمتك وعفوك... ونحلم بيومٍ نلقاك فيه لا نرجو إلا لذة النظر إلى وجهك ورفقة حبيبك... فهل نلقاك وأنت راضٍ عنا؟...


Friday, May 29, 2015

"لعله خير"...

في كل وقت من الأوقات الصعبة التي تمر عليك في حياتك، مشكلة أو عسرة أو ضيق، قل "الحمد لله... لعله خير"، فهي من أفضل حسن ظنك بالله، فلعل الله حجب به شيئاً أعظم، وبمجرد قولك "لعله خير" سترى أن الله يجعل فيه خيراً كثيراً من حيث لا تحتسب... "فَعَسَىٰ أَنْ تَكْرَهُوا شَيْئًا وَيَجْعَلَ اللَّهُ فِيهِ خَيْرًا كَثِيرًا"... 
توكل عليه لأنه هو من وعدك بالخير الكثير... ومن أصدق من الله قيلا...

مع محبتي...

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

"رَبِّ إِنِّي لِمَا أَنْزَلْتَ إِلَيَّ مِنْ خَيْرٍ فَقِيرٌ"...

 "رَبِّ إِنِّي لِمَا أَنْزَلْتَ إِلَيَّ مِنْ خَيْرٍ فَقِيرٌ"...

أحياناً بكون الخير فرحة بتصنعها بنفسك بقلب اللي بتحبه... أحياناً بكون الخير ابتسامة بترسمها بإيدك على وجه حدا يمكن ما بتعرفه كبير أو صغير... أحياناً بكون الخير كلمة طيبة بتقولها لحدا يمكن تكون بسيطة بالنسبة إلك بس بالنسبة إلو قيمتها كبيرة وفتحت له أبواب سعادة كتيرة... أحياناً بكون الخير حدا تعبته الحياة الله بيبعتلك ياه عشان تجبر بخاطره بسندك إلو... أحياناً بكون الخير حدا قريب أو غريب الله بيبعتلك ياه عشان تقضيله حاجة أو تساعده أو يفضفضلك أو يبكي على كتفك أو حتى تدعيله بظهر الغيب لأنه هاد دعاء لا يرد...

ما تستهين بأي خير عملته مهما كان بسيط طالما هو بنية صافية من قلبك... الله بعتلك ياه لأنو بحبك وبدو يكتبلك أجر فيه... فقول دائماً عند كل خير الله رزقك ياه "رَبِّ إِنِّي لِمَا أَنْزَلْتَ إِلَيَّ مِنْ خَيْرٍ فَقِيرٌ"... وما تستنى الشكر من البشر... معقول تنتظر البشر ورب العالمين بقلك "هَلْ جَزَاءُ الْإِحْسَانِ إِلَّا الْإِحْسَانُ" ؟... هو رح يشكرك شكر يليق بالشكور... وآثار هالشكر واضحة بكل لحظة من لحظات حياتك...

حلوة هالمعادلة؟ :)

مع محبتي...


Saturday, May 16, 2015

When I hear your name...

And when I hear your name my heart chants it with longing... and when my tongue says your name with every sob of a chest all troubles of this life and what's within disappear... and when I contemplate in the marvel of your words my heart yearns to make you pleased... so when my humanity beats me and my hands and legs fail me that I can't hurry to you to be pleased with me... give mercy to my weakness and heal my heart with a good doing that is pure for you until you're pleased with me... ease what you love for me and help me to do what you love... and all my hope is to be wholly love to you... O Allah...


عند سماع اسمك...

وعند سماع اسمك يتغنى به قلبي شوقاً... وعند نطق لساني باسمك مع كل تنهيدة صدر تزول هموم الدنيا وما عليها... وعند تأملي ببديع كلماتك يتوق فؤادي لإرضائك... فعندما تغلبني بشريتي وتخذلني يداي وساقاي حتى لا أستطيع أن أعجل إليك لترضى ارحم ضعفي واجبر قلبي بعمل طيب يكون خالصاً لك حتى ترضى عني... يسر لي ما تحب ويسرني إلى فعل ما تحب... وأملي أن أكون كلي حباً لك... يا الله...


Friday, May 1, 2015

And You will be still my companion...

And You will be still my amiable companion in moments of my stillness and the noise of the thoughts in my mind and the hustle of my heart... and You will be still who hears the hidden words in my smiles and tears... and You will be still for me as I want... so make me be for You as You want... I am pleased with You as my God so be pleased with me and make me pleased... and praises to You forever and ever...


وتبقى أنت مؤنسي...

وتبقى أنت مؤنسي في لحظات سكوني وضجيج الأفكار في عقلي وصخب قلبي... وتبقى أنت من يسمع الكلمات المخبأة في ابتساماتي ودموعي... وتبقى أنت لي كما أريد... فاجعلني أكون لك كما تريد... رضيت بك ربّاً فارض عني و أرضني... والحمد لك دائماً وأبداً...


Saturday, April 25, 2015


Do like you like the change? Have you ever tried to change someone or the thought of someone? What do you think the best way to change something you don’t like is?...
When I was a little, I thought that I can change anyone and anything to the better, but then by the time with more experiences and day by day in my life, I've discovered the real mission, I can change only one person in my life... Myself!... so I've started working on changing myself, and improving my behaviors and thoughts and everything I don’t like in my mind and heart, and to be a good example for people to follow... in that way people can change, by following a good example, after they have the intention in their hearts to change themselves.

Be a good example to be followed, and if someone needed a help, be ready to help, even with a good word that can guide them and raise their spirits... I found happiness in helping people, with everything I can give, even with simple words.

Don't run away, help yourself by helping people... life is not complicated, we make it complicated, and if something bad happened it's not the end of the world, try hard working on fixing it, if you couldn't or if it was bigger than you, go on, because life just goes on, life doesn't stop or wait for anyone to wake up!

Everyone needs a time alone, a time to reflect and think, but don't waste that time on thinking about why the wrong or troubles happened, spend it in thinking about your actions and plans, be practical and dynamic, go out and help people!... when you see their happiness you feel that you own all the happiness!... study your goals of your life, study your capacity and capabilities, think about what you can change and what you can't, and most important start with yourself, and ask Allah for guidance and he will help you.

With all my love...



هل تحب التغيير؟ هل حاولت مرة أن تغير شخصاً ما أو أن تغير طريقة تفكيره؟ ما هي باعتقادك أفضل طريقة لتغيير شيء لا تحبه؟...

عندما كنت صغيرة كنت أعتقد أنني أستطيع تغيير أي شخص أو أي شيء للأفضل، لكن مع الوقت ومع خبرة أكثر وتجارب حياة أكثر يوماً بعد يوم اكتشفت المهمة الحقيقية، أستطيع أن أغير شخصاً واحداً فقط في حياتي... نفسي!... لذلك بدأت العمل على تغيير نفسي، وتحسين تصرفاتي وأفكاري وكل شيء لا يعجبني في عقلي وقلبي، ولأكون مثلاً جيداً للناس ليتبعوه... بهذه الطريقة يمكن للناس أن يتغيروا، بمتابعة مثلاً جيداً بعد أن تكون لديهم النية الحقيقية في قلوبهم على تغيير أنفسهم.

كن قدوة طيبة يحتذى بها، وإذا احتاج أحد للمساعدة فكن مستعداً للمساعدة، ولو بكلمة طيبة ترشدهم وترتقي بهم... وجدت سعادة في مساعدة الناس، بكل شيء أستطيع تقديمه، حتى بكلمات بسيطة.

لا تركض بعيداً، ساعد نفسك بمساعدة الآخرين، الحياة ليست معقدة، نحن من نجعلها معقدة، وعندما يحدث شيئ سيئ ما فهي ليست نهاية العالم، ابذل جهدك في إصلاحه أو معالجته، فإذا لم تستطع أو كانت المشكلة أكبر منك، امضي قدماً، لأن الحياة تمضي قدماً، الحياة لا تتوقف أو تنتظر أحداً ليستيقظ!

كل شخص يحتاج إلى وقت لنفسه يمضيه وحده، وقت للتفكير والتأمل، لكن لا تضيع هذا الوقت بالتفكير لماذا حدث ذلك الخطأ أو تلك المشكلة، اقض هذا الوقت بالتفكير بأفعالك وخططك، كن عملياً وديناميكياً، اخرج وساعد الناس، عندما ترى سعادتهم تشعر بأنك تملك كل السعادة!... ادرس أهداف حياتك، ادرس قدراتك وطاقاتك، فكر بما تستطيع تغييره وبما لا تستطيع تغييره، والأهم من ذلك كله ابدأ بنفسك، واسأل الله التوفيق والإرشاد وسيساعدك.

مع محبتي...


Friday, April 10, 2015

My happiness...

And I found my happiness in loving him and loving what he loves and doing what he loves...
Praise to Allah for his presence to hear what my heart can't reveal...
Praise to Allah for his presence before and after knows what I don't know about myself and what's hidden in my chest...
Praise to Allah for his presence to hear my supplications and what my heart releases and my scattered words that I don't have the strength to form...
Praise to Allah for his presence first and last to hold my heart with his mercy when it falls and put in it his tranquility and light...
Praise to Allah for his presence to see the dreams I draw flying in the sky of his generosity waiting for him to hang what is beautiful on the wall of my destiny and correct what is not suitable to make me draw another one...
Praise to Allah he is my lord, my tranquility, my shelter and my haven...



ووجدت سعادتي في حبه وفي حب ما يحبه وفي عمل ما يحبه...
الحمد لله على وجوده ليسمع ما لا يستطيع قلبي البوح به...
الحمد لله على وجوده من قبل ومن بعد يعلم ما لا أعلمه عن نفسي ومكنونات صدري...
الحمد لله على وجوده ليسمع مناجاتي وفضفضة قلبي وكلماتي المبعثرة التي لا أقوى على صياغتها...
الحمد لله على وجوده أولاً وآخراً ليتلقى قلبي برحمته عند سقوطه ويبث فيه سكينته ونوره...
الحمد لله على وجوده ليرى ما أرسمه من أحلام تحلق في سماء كرمه تنتظر أن يعلق ما هو جميل على حائط قدري ويصوب ما هو غير مناسب لأرسم غيره...
الحمد لله هو ربي وسكينتي وملجئي وملاذي...


“And the thunder exalts [ Allah ] with praise of Him”...

“And the thunder exalts [ Allah ] with praise of Him” [Holy Quraan - Surat Ar-Ra`d (The Thunder):13]...
That verse... one of the most beautiful verses that make my body shudder and my heart shiver from the majesty of the scene... I love the sound of thunder and I like to imagine it exalting with praise of The Creator May his glory be glorified...
O Allah give mercy for our weakness... O Allah make us of those whom remember you often and exalts you a lot...
Have you imagined the exaltation of the thunder one day?...

With all my love...

"وَيُسَبِّحُ الرَّعْدُ بِحَمْدِهِ"...

"وَيُسَبِّحُ الرَّعْدُ بِحَمْدِهِ" [سورة الرعد:13]...
تلك الآية... من أجمل الآيات التي تشعرني بقشعريرة في جسدي ويرجف لها قلبي من جلالة المشهد... أحب صوت الرعد وأحب أن أتخيله وهو يسبح بحمد الخالق جل جلاله...
اللهم ارحم ضعفنا... اللهم اجعلنا من الذاكرين والمسبحين لك كثيراً...

 هل تأملت تسبيح الرعد يوماً؟...

 مع محبتي...

How beautiful that moment is...

How beautiful that moment is when you realize that divine love that Allah has given to you...
How beautiful that moment is when you realize that contentment and quietness when you are between his hands praying to him...
How beautiful that moment is when you realize that the medicine for your heart is in the sound of Quraan...
How beautiful that moment is when you realize that when you are disappointed from humans there is the God of humans before and after who do not disappoint you at all...
How beautiful that moment is when you realize your longing to him...
How beautiful that moment is when you realize that after thinking and managing and exhausting your heart until you feel it’s going to fall from among you ribs, there is Al Jabbaar (The Powerful The Irresistible) who will hold it between his hands and will put quietness and patience in it...
How beautiful that moment is when you entrust your matters to Allah and you are certain that he will not let your work and patience go...
He is Al Wadud (The Loving, the Kind One)... He is Al Latif (The Subtly Kind)... He is An Nur (The Light)... He is As Salam (Peace and Blessing), Al Mu'min (The Guarantor), Al Muhaymin (The Guardian, the Preserver)... He is Al Jabbaar (The Powerful The Irresistible)...
I miss Allah...

ما أجمل تلك اللحظة...

ما أجمل تلك اللحظة التي تدرك فيها تلك المحبة الإلهية التى خصها الله لك...
ما أجمل تلك اللحظة التي تدرك فيها تلك الراحة والسكينة وأنت بين يديه تناجيه...
ما أجمل تلك اللحظة التي تدرك فيها أن دواء قلبك بصوت القرآن...
ما أجمل تلك اللحظة التي تدرك فيها أنه عندما يخيب أملك من البشر هناك رب البشر من قبل ومن بعد لا يخيب أملك أبداً...
ما أجمل تلك اللحظة التي تدرك فيها شوقك للقائه...
ما أجمل تلك اللحظة التي تدرك فيها أن بعد التفكير والتدبير وإرهاق قلبك حتى تشعر أنه سيسقط من بين ضلوعك هناك الجبار الذي سيتلقاه بين يديه جل جلاله ويبث فيه السكينة والصبر...
ما أجمل تلك اللحظة التي تفوض فيها أمرك لله وأنت على يقين بأنه لن يضيع عملك وصبرك...
هو الودود... هو اللطيف... هو النور... هو السلام المؤمن المهمين... هو الجبار...
 اشتقت لله...


Monday, March 9, 2015

Little Souls...

That moment... and that delicate soul... that when I hold them in my hands I feel them laughing and fluttering with their leaves... I like to imagine that they have a charming voice... I like to imagine their happiness when I make a new house for them or water them or wash their leaves... I like that soul that exalts Allah by his praise and I like to imagine their sound chanting with exaltations that no one knows but Allah... I adore those little souls and I adore taking care of them...

With all my love...

أرواح صغيرة...

تلك اللحظة... وتلك الروح الرقيقة... التي عندما أمسكها بين يدي أشعر بها تضحك وترفرف بأوراقها... أحب أن أتخيل بأن لها صوتاً عذباً... أحب أن أتخيل سعادتها عندما أصنع لها بيتاً جديداً أو أسقيها أو أغسل أوراقها... أحب تلك الروح التي تسبّح بحمده وأحب أن أتخيل صوتها وهي تترنم بتسابيح لا يعلمها إلا الله... أعشق تلك الأرواح الصغيرة وأعشق العناية بها...

مع محبتي...

Saturday, March 7, 2015


A friend asked me once: “What is happiness?”... I thought a little and answered him: “Happiness is the satisfaction and contentment with everything that Allah has given you... or has taken from you...”.

Let’s make our hearts flood with thanks and praises to Allah... let’s tell him about our love to him... let’s admit our weakness and dereliction towards him... let’s ask him for our needs and wishes however small or big it was because he likes us to ask him and request wishes from him... let’s delegate our matters to him... let’s thank him and praise him... because that who is attached to no one but Allah, Allah is the adequate to make him/her happy in the first life and hereafter...
And Alhamdulillah [Thanks to Allah] forever and ever...

With all my love...



سألني صديق مرة: "ما هي السعادة؟"... فكرت قليلاً ثم أجبته: "السعادة هي الرضى والقناعة بكل شيء أعطاه الله لك... أو أخذه منك...".

لنجعل قلوبنا تفيض بالحمد والثناء على الله... لنفصح عن حبنا له... لنعترف بضعفنا وتقصيرنا في حقه... لنطلب منه حاجاتنا وأمنياتنا مهما صغرت أو كبرت فهو يحب أن نسأله ونطلب منه الأمنيات... لنفوض أمورنا إليه... لنحمده ونشكره... فمن تعلق بالله وحده فالله كفيل وأهل بأن يسعده في الدنيا والآخرة...
والحمد لله دائماً وأبداً...

مع محبتي...


Tuesday, February 17, 2015


I’ve learned from life to not be grieved on a wish that didn’t come true... because I know that what Allah is hiding for me is much more beautiful than what I wish for... no matter how long I wait... then the patience becomes more beautiful...and the longing becomes more beautiful... and the wishes are still flooding from my heart... and my hope in Allah is still getting bigger...

With all my love...


تعلمت من الحياة أن لا أحزن على أمنية لم تتحقق... لأنني أعلم أن ما  يخبئه الله لي أجمل بكثير مما أتمنى... مهما طال انتظاري... فالصبر عندها يكون جميلاً... والشوق جميلاً... وما زالت الأمنيات تفيض من قلبي... وما زال أملي بالله يكبر...

مع محبتي...

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Who wants Love?...

Today is the Love Day... and tomorrow is the Love Day... and after tomorrow is the Love Day... and the day after and the day after... that's what my heart tells me, everyday you have a Love Day... when I wake up in the morning it says who do you want to love today?... and before I sleep it says who do you want to forgive today?... for no reason just to sleep with a clean and content heart... and for my whole day to be full with love... I love my family... I love my friends... I love who loves me and who does't love me... I can't help it I love all people... I love to say a beautiful word to gladden them... I love to give presents in occasions and non-occasions... I love to pray to Allah for them in secret... I love to make jokes with them and poke them... I love to admonish them and scold them when they make wrong to themselves... and if I made a mistake I love to apologize with a gift... because The Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him) said: "Exchange gifts to increase your love to one another"... and because everyday could be a Love Day... everyday just think of whom you love and talk to one of them... on the phone, a message, a beautiful word, a prayer... today you will all have the most beautiful prayers from me... and if you want a special one just tell me...

And I wish that everyday you will be in good and love and light adorned with the satisfaction of Allah, Ar Rahman (The All Merciful)...

With all my love...

مين بده حب؟...

اليوم عيد الحب... وبكرة عيد الحب... وبعد بكرة عيد الحب... واللي بعده واللي بعده... أنا هيك قلبي بقوللي كل يوم عندك عيد للحب... لما أصحى الصبح بقول مين بدك تحبي اليوم؟... وقبل ما أنام بقول مين بدك تسامحي اليوم؟... مو منشان شي بس منشان أنام قلبي نظيف ومرتاح... ومنشان يكون نهاري كله حب... بحب أهلي... بحب رفقاتي... بحب اللي بحبني واللي ما بحبني... ما بإيدي بحب كل الناس... بحب أحكي كلمة حلوة تفرحهم... بحب أهدي هدايا بمناسبة وغير مناسبة... بحب أدعيلهم بظهر الغيب... بحب أمزح معهم أتحركش فيهم... بحب أعاتبهم وأبهدلهم إذا كانوا عم يغلطوا بحق نفسهم... وبحب إذا أنا غلطت أعتذر بهدية... لأنو الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: "تهادوا تحابوا"... ولأنو كل يوم ممكن يكون عيد للحب... كل يوم بس فكر بكل الناس اللي بتحبهم واحكي مع حدا منهم... تلفون، رسالة، كلمة حلوة، دعاء... اليوم إلكم مني جميعا أحلى دعاء... واللي بده دعاء خاص تكرم عينه بس يخبرني...

وكل يوم وإنتو بخير وحب ونور مكلل برضى الرحمن...

مع محبتي...

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


The human being is in a continuous journey to perfection... always seeking for perfection in some side that interests him to raise himself to the better... it might be material or moral... it might be in life or in personality... among these sides it’s beautiful to seek for perfection in ethics... because every time in when the human makes a mistake in something it reminds him that he’s not perfect and perfection is for Allah only... but why do we make mistakes?... However we keep seeking for perfection in manners we see ourselves making mistakes again... with a word, an attitude or a behavior... I thought about it once and heard an inner voice telling me: this mistake was because Allah wants to remind me to never be deceived by myself... to not think that I’m perfect and never do mistakes... “So do not claim yourselves to be pure; He is most knowing of who fears Him.” [Holy Quraan, Surat An-Najm: 32]... and most important than that it’s for the human to remember to resort to Allah in every mistake to forgive him and correct him and to ask Allah to teach him a lesson from that mistake to never repeat it again... and because Allah loves to hear our voices while resorting to him...

There’s still a lot for me to learn and to ask Allah to guide me to the best ethics... and recently I’ve learnt a new supplication that my inner voice told me: “O Allah I entrusted you my tongue, my sight, my hearing, my hands, my body, my sayings and my behaviors, O Thou who his trusts are never lost”... and thanks to Allah for the reminder...

With all my love...


الإنسان في رحلةٍ مستمرةٍ إلى الكمال... يسعى دائماً إلى الكمال في ناحيةٍ ما تهمه للارتقاء بنفسه إلى الأفضل... ربما تكون ماديةً أو معنوية... ربما تكون في المعيشة أو في الشخصية... من بين هذه النواحي من الجميل أن يسعى الإنسان إلى الكمال في الأخلاق... ففي كل مرة يخطئ فيها الإنسان في شيء ما يذكره الخطأ بأنه غير كامل والكمال لله وحده... لكن لماذا نخطئ؟... مهما سعينا إلى الكمال في الخُلُق نجد أنفسنا نخطئ مجدداً... بكلمة، بموقف أو تصرف... تفكرت مرة في هذا الموضوع وسمعت صوتاً داخلياً يقول: إنما هذا الخطأ ليذكرني الله بألا أغتر بنفسي... حتى لا أظن أنني كاملة لا أخطئ... "فَلَا تُزَكُّوا أَنْفُسَكُمْ هُوَ أَعْلَمُ بِمَنِ اتَّقَى" ]القرآن الكريم، سورة النجم:32[... والأهم من ذلك أن يتذكر الإنسان أن يلجأ إلى الله عند كل خطأ ليغفر له ويقومه ويطلب من الله أن يعلمه درساً من ذلك الخطأ حتى لا يكرره... ولأن الله يحب سماع صوتنا ونحن نلجأ إليه... 

مازال لدي الكثير لأتعلمه ولأدعو الله بأن يهديني لأحسن الأخلاق... ومؤخراً تعلمت دعاءً جديداً أخبرني به صوتي الداخلي: "اللهم إني أستودع عندك لساني وبصري وسمعي ويدي وبدني وأقوالي وأفعالي يا من لا تضيع ودائعه"... والحمد لله على الذكرى...

مع محبتي...

Saturday, February 7, 2015

A moment of reflecting...

Have you ever felt with a beauty around you that made you cry because of its fascination?... Have you ever been amazed by the look of a bird or its colors or sound?... Have you ever thought about the intelligence of a creature other than you?... Have you ever meditate in a view of the sea or the sky or the mountains you used to call it simple but when you've watched it for a long while you've found an ingenuity in all its details?...

The tears flow from my eyes when I see all that divine creation and on my face rises a smile that can barely fit in my cheeks ... and I feel my heart delicately flying with love for the Creator that harnessed all this for us for our life to be full of beauty that we enjoy and learn from... made it to be a beauty and a moral for us in the same time... So would you tell me you human why you didn't learn from that beauty and the one who gave it to you gave it because he loves you and wants you to love him and love your fellow human?... why did you spoil it and he made everything for you to live happy with your loved ones enjoying the beauty around you... and all what he asks you for is to preserve the beauty of your heart ... and thank him...

So go back you human ... go back to your inborn beauty ... go back to the beauty that Allah has created for you to make your heart delicate and open your mind and raise with yourself with details that might be small but their lessons are great ... Learn the beauty and live beautiful...

With all my love...

لحظة تأمل...

هل أحسست يوماً بجمال جعلك تبكي لروعته؟... هل ذهلت يوماً لشكل طائر أو ألوانه أو صوته؟... هل تأملت يوماً ذكاء مخلوق آخر غيرك؟... هل تأملت يوماً منظراً في البحر أو السماء أو الجبال كنت تعده بسيطاً لكن عندما تأملته مطولاً وجدت إبداعاً في كل تفاصيله؟...

تدمع عيني عندما أرى كل ذلك الإبداع الإلهي وعلى وجهي تعلو ابتسامة لا تسعها وجنتاي وأحس بقلبي يطير برهفة حباً للخالق الذي سخر لنا كل هذا لتكون حياتنا مليئة بالجمال الذي نستمتع به ونتعلم منه... ليكون لنا جمالاً وعبرة في الوقت نفسه... فهلا تخبرني أيها الانسان لماذا لم تتعلم من ذاك الجمال والذي أعطاك إياه أعطاه لك لأنه يحبك و يريدك أن تحبه وتحب أخيك الإنسان؟... لماذا أفسدته وقد سخر لك كل شيء لتحيا سعيداً مع أحبائك منعماً بالجمال حولك... وكل ما يطلبه منك هو أن تحافظ على جمال قلبك... وتشكره...

فعد أيها الإنسان... عد إلى الجمال الفطري... عد إلى الجمال الذي خلقه الله لك ليرق قلبك وينفتح عقلك وترتقي بنفسك بتفاصيل ربما تكون صغيرة لكن دروسها كثيرة... تعلم الجمال وعش جميلاً...

مع محبتي...

Monday, February 2, 2015

You are not lonely...

A friend once said: "I feel I'm lonely, what can I do?"... I answered him: "Every time you feel you're lonely and it saddens and tires your heart to be lonely, be sure that you are not, Allah is with you, sees you and hears you and lightens your heart and loves you, when you feel you're lonely think about the love of Allah to you..."

With all my love...


لست وحيداً...

قال لي صديق مرة: "أشعر أنني وحيد، ماذا بوسعي أن أفعل؟"... أجبته: "في كل مرة تشعر بها بالوحدة ويحزنك ويرهق قلبك أنك وحيد، تأكد تماماً أنت لست وحيداً، الله معك يراك ويسمعك وينير قلبك ويحبك، عندما تشعر أنك وحيد فكر بحب الله لك..."

مع محبتي...


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Letters from the heart...

Few days ago I had a thought, to greet my friends and colleagues in the new year and Al Mawlid A-Nabawi (Prophet Muhammad's honorable birth, peace be upon him) with little presents, I wanted it to be a special idea, little greetings cards on which I write some cheerful phrases, should it be Quran verses or Hadith Sharif (speeches of the Prophet peace be upon him), or sentimental words?... then I said why wouldn't it be the beautiful names of Allah and their meanings, with a little supplication for them with a new year blessed with the chosen name, and put them in a small box and ask everyone to pick his/her present and surprise...
I’ve chosen some of the beautiful names of Allah, studied their meanings, prepared the cards, made the envelops, and presented them... the looks of surprise and happiness and the impact of their hearts were indescribable... and much more than I imagined... their sayings of thank were indicating how much they’ve been affected and how much they needed these words... Thanks to Allah that he guided me to this and I would not be guided if Allah didn’t guide me, it’s not from me but a grace from Allah... and I ask you to study the meanings of all of the names of Allah, because they open a lot of outlooks of faith and one feels with his/her nearness to Allah...

And here you can read all the letters I’ve written...

With all my love...


Al Latif اللَّطِيفُ (Jalla Jalāluhu) - The Subtly Kind (May his glory be glorified)
Be attached to Allah... as he is the most subtle to his servants and simplifies the ways of goodness for them with his kindness and gentleness in courses they do not feel...

I supplicate to Allah to give you a year full of the kindness of Al Latif...

With my regards...


Al Sami' السّمِيعُ Al Mujib المُجِيبُ (Jalla Jalāluhu) - The All Hearing - The Responsive, The Answerer (May his glory be glorified)
Be attached to Allah... as he is who hears all the sounds... the tiniest and the biggest ... the secretive ones and the spoken-out... and he is who faces the supplications and requests with bestowal and acceptance and no one is asked but him...

I supplicate to Allah to give you a year full of nearness to Allah and acceptance to your supplications from Al Sami' Al Mujib.

With my regards...


Al Karim الكَرِيمُ (Jalla Jalāluhu) - The Bountiful, The Generous (May his glory be glorified)
Be attached to Allah... as he is the owner of the greatest avail for his servants, and he is who created them and gave them provisions... he is the glorious the owner of all the goodness... he starts giving the gift before it’s being requested... and gives much more than what is hoped to be... 

I supplicate to Allah to give you a year full of generosity from Al Karim...

With my regards...


Ar Rahman الرَّحْمَنُ Ar Rahim الرَّحِيمُ (Jalla Jalāluhu) ... The Entirely Merciful - The Especially Merciful (May his glory be glorified)
Be attached to Allah... as he is the owner of the enormous mercy like no one else... as his mercy encompasses all things... encompasses all regions of the heavens and earth... he is the forever giver... the always granter of his favor...

I supplicate to Allah to give you a year full of mercy from Ar Rahman Ar Rahim...

With my regards...


As Salam السَّلَامُ (Jalla Jalāluhu) - The Peace and Blessing, The Perfection (May his glory be glorified)
Be attached to Allah... as he is the spreader of peace among creatures... he is the perfect, he is the peace and from him comes the peace... the source of peace and integrity, so don’t ask it except from him... 

I supplicate to Allah to give you a year full of peace from As Salam...

With my regards...


Ar Razzaq الرَّزَّاقُ (Jalla Jalāluhu) - The Ever Providing (May his glory be glorified)
Be attached to Allah... as he is who guarantee the provision... he is who his provision includes all his creatures... he provides them with goodness and righteousness... he provides them with satisfaction and peace...

I supplicate to Allah to give you a year full of provision and goodness that gladden you and satisfy you from Ar Razzaq...

With my regards...


Al Fattah الفَتَّاحُ (Jalla Jalāluhu) - The Opener (May his glory be glorified)
Be attached to Allah... as he is who opens the closed matters... and eases the difficult... and the keys of heavens and earth are all in his hand... and he is who opens the doors of mercy and provisions and goods to his servants...

I supplicate to Allah to give you a year full of always-opened doors of mercy and provisions and goods from Al Fattah...

With my regards...


Al Wahhab الوَهَّابُ (Jalla Jalāluhu) - The Bestower (May his glory be glorified)
Be attached to Allah... as he is the giver of favors to his servants... he is who bestows without recompense and gives the needs without request... the owner of all the goodness... the always bestowing...

I supplicate to Allah to give you a year full of gifts and favors that won’t be ceased from Al Wahhab...

With my regards...


An Nur النّورُ (Jalla Jalāluhu) - The Light (May his glory be glorified)
Be attached to Allah... as he is The Light of the heavens and earth... he is The Guide The Infallible Teacher who lightens the path to his servants so he eases the way of goodness to them... and guides them to follow it...

I supplicate to Allah to give you a year full of light and peace from An Nur and to fill your heart with his light and love...

With my regards...


Ash Shakur الشَّكُورُ (Jalla Jalāluhu) - The Grateful, The Appreciative (May his glory be glorified)
Be attached to Allah... as he is who appreciate the little of work... so he rewards it with lots and duplicated rewards... and he (The High Above) gives the lots of favors... and is satisfied with the little of gratefulness...

I supplicate to Allah to give you a year full of gratefulness and bestowal from Ash Shakur...

With my regards...


Al Barr البَرُّ Al Wadud الوَدُودُ (Jalla Jalāluhu) - The Most Kind and Righteous - The Loving, The Affectionate (May his glory be glorified)
Be attached to Allah... as he is with enormous subtleness, the gentle on his servants with his kindness and sympathy... the honest in his promises... the most loving for his servants... the loved one that deserves all the love...

I supplicate to Allah to give you a year full of love and bestowal from Allah to you... and your heart is overfilled with love to Allah...

With my regards...


Ar Ra'uf الرَّؤُوفُ (Jalla Jalāluhu) - The Compassionate, The All Pitying (May his glory be glorified)
Be attached to Allah... as he is who bestows us with the uttermost and highest meanings of mercy... and his compassion encompasses all his creation...

I supplicate to Allah to give you a year full of compassion and mercy from Ar Ra'uf...

With my regards...


Al Jabbar الجَبَّارُ (Jalla Jalāluhu) - The Powerful, The Irresistible (May his glory be glorified)
Be attached to Allah... as he is who pieces together the broken... enriches the poor and eases the difficult... and raise the hearts that are broken for him... and he is the sublimely exalted above his creation... nothing can drive back his command... and nothing can disallow his decision...

I supplicate to Allah to give you a year full of ease and mercy from Allah... and your heart attached to Al Jabbar...

With my regards...


Al Wakil الوَكِيلُ (Jalla Jalāluhu) - The Trustee, The Dependable (May his glory be glorified)
Be attached to Allah... as he is who takes care of the worlds in creating, managing, directing, and keeping them... and all what matters them in the hereafter and the first life... so those who depend on him, he will undertake them and suffice them… and those who do without anyone but him, he will richen them and satisfy them... 

I supplicate to Allah to give you a year full of guarantee, richness and satisfaction from Al Wakil...

With my regards...


Dhu al Jalal wa al Ikram ذو الجَلَالِ وَالإِكْرَامِ (Jalla Jalāluhu) - The Lord of Majesty and Generosity (May his glory be glorified)
Be attached to Allah... as he is the matchless in the attributions of majesty, perfection, greatness and glory… and he is the adequate for granting generosity, richness and bounty... the competent in giving the honor and dignity and he is the worthy of being glorified... 

I supplicate to Allah to give you a year full of generosity and bestowal from Dhu al Jalal wa al Ikram...

With my regards...


Al Hamid الحَمِيدُ Al Majid المَجِيدُ (Jalla Jalāluhu) - The All Praiseworthy - The All Glorious (May his glory be glorified)
Be attached to Allah... as he is the worthy of gratefulness and laudation... he is who is thanked in both joy and adversity... and in both hardship and prosperity... he is the all encompassing, the owner of all bestowal... the owner of all kindness...

I supplicate to Allah to give you a year full of lots of bestowal and lots of kindness from Al Majid... and your heart is overfilled with gratefulness and laudation to Al Hamid...

With my regards...


Al Ghani الغَنِيُّ Al Mughni المُغْنِي (Jalla Jalāluhu) - The All Rich, The Independent - The Enricher, The Emancipator (May his glory be glorified)
Be attached to Allah... as he is who has the complete and absolute richness... he is the independent of all others... he is the giver of richness to his servants, enriches whoever he wills... and he is the adequate for his servants...

I supplicate to Allah to give you a year full of grace from Al Ghani Al Mughni freeing you from anyone but him...

With my regards...


Al Qadir القَادِرُ Al Muqtadir المُقْتَدِرُ (Jalla Jalāluhu) - The All Able - The All Determiner, The Dominant (May his glory be glorified)
Be attached to Allah... as he is who has the absolute ability so nothing in heavens or on earth can cause him failure... and nothing can be in his sovereignty but what he wants, exalted is he... and he is the capable of reforming the creatures in a way no one else can do...

I supplicate to Allah to give you a year full of satisfaction and nearness from Allah Al Qadir Al Muqtadir...

With my regards...


Al Mu'min المُؤْمِنُ Al Muhaymin المُهَيْمِنُ (Jalla Jalāluhu) - The Guarantor - The Guardian, The Preserver (May his glory be glorified)
Be attached to Allah... as he is who his servants are safe from his punishment... and he is the honest in what he has promised his servants... he is the overseer, the preserver of everything... and he gives the safety and contentment to whomever he wants of his creatures...

I supplicate to Allah to give you a year full of preservation, peace and contentment from Al Mu'min Al Muhaymin...

With my regards...


Al Mu'ti المُعْطِيُ Al Mani' المَانِعُ (Jalla Jalāluhu) - The Giver - The Withholder, The Defender (May his glory be glorified)
Be attached to Allah... as he is who gives everything... and withhold the bestowal on whomever he wants as a test or protection... he is the matchless in bestowal for every existent in this existence... nothing can withhold what he gives... and nothing can give what he withholds...

I supplicate to Allah to give you a year full of bestowal, protection and preservation from Al Mu'ti Al Mani'...

With my regards...


Al Hafiz الحَفِيظُ Al Muqit المُقِيتُ (Jalla Jalāluhu) - The Preserver, The Guardian - The Nourisher (May his glory be glorified)
Be attached to Allah... as he is who nothing can be missed out of his preservation... he is who preserves the heavens and earth... and preserve the life system... he is the adequate of conveying the creatures’ sustenance to them...

I supplicate to Allah to give you a year full of protection and peace from Allah... and your heart is depending on Al Hafiz Al Muqit...

With my regards...


Al Hasib الحَسِيبُ (Jalla Jalāluhu) - The Reckoner (May his glory be glorified)
Be attached to Allah... as he is the sufficient for his servants in all what matters them in their religion and life... he is the dependable... suffices the servants with his grace... 

I supplicate to Allah to give you a year full of sufficiency from Allah and your heart is depending and reckoning on Al Hasib...

With my regards...


Al Wasi' الوَاسِعُ (Jalla Jalāluhu) - The Vast, The All Encompassing (May his glory be glorified)
Be attached to Allah... as he is who his provision encompasses all his creatures... and his mercy encompass everything... he is the encompassing of everything... he is vast in greatness... vast in knowing... vast in forgiving...

I supplicate to Allah to give you a year full of vast grace from Al Wasi' through his widest doors of mercy, provision and generosity...

With my regards...


Al Aziz العَزِيزُ Al Hakim الحَكِيمُ (Jalla Jalāluhu) - The Almighty, The Self Sufficient - The Wise (May his glory be glorified)
Be attached to Allah... as he is the impervious who is not overmastered... and the powerful who is not defeated... he is the right in his arrangement... the kind in his estimation... his decision is all goodness, wisdom and fairness... honors whomever he wants and humble whomever he wants whenever he wants...

I supplicate to Allah to give you a year full of goodness, kindness and honor from Al Aziz Al Hakim...

With my regards...
