Sunday, June 26, 2016

يوميات رمضان.. 21 ..Ramadan Diaries

يوميات رمضان.. 21 ..Ramadan Diaries

كم علمت أن الله رحيم بنا.. لطيف بضعفنا.. كريم بفضله ونعمه علينا.. كم سمعت عن حبه لنا.. ورأفته بنا.. وإمهاله لنا حتى نلجأ إليه ونقترب منه.. كم قرأت كلماته ووجدت فيها نوره وسكينته وشعرت بتلك اللحظات التي يكون فيها قلبك متعلق بالله.. لكن هل علمت أن الله يستحي منك؟.. ذلك عندما ترفع يديك تدعوه وتناجيه.. فيستحي منك أن يرد يديك خائبتين..
"إِنَّ رَبَّكُمْ حَيِيٌّ كَرِيمٌ، يَسْتَحِي مِنْ عَبْدِهِ إِذَا رَفَعَ إِلَيْهِ يَدَيْهِ أَنْ يَرُدَّهُمَا صِفَرًا".. صدق رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم.. (رواه الأربعة)..
ليالِ مباركة.. ادعو فيها ما استطعت.. واطلب ما شئت منه.. فهو الحَيِيٌّ الكَرِيم..

مع محبتي...

How much did you know that Allah is merciful to us.. sympathetic to our weakness.. generous with His bounty and favors on us.. how much did you hear about His love to us.. His compassion to us.. and His respite for us, so we resort to Him and get closer to Him.. how much did you read his words and found His light and tranquility, and felt with those moments when your heart is attached to Allah.. but did you know that Allah is Modest, feels too shy from you?.. that is when you lift your hands up calling Him and supplicating to Him.. so He is shy from you to return your hands empty without gain..
Our Prophet (Peace be upon Him) said: “Your Rabb (Lord) is Modest and Generous, He is too shy from His slave, if he/she raised his/her hands to Him (in supplication), to return them without gain.” (The four lmams)..
Blessed nights.. supplicate within them as much as you can.. and ask whatever you want from Him.. because He is Al-Hayiy (the Modest) Al-Kareem (The Generous)..

With all my love...


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