Friday, December 25, 2015

Light and Mercy...

He is a light that lightened our hearts to be guided with in our life path... He is a mercy that we're nourished from to ease the difficulties of life, and that we come to in the hereafter to ask for intercession... He is a life story of love and clemency and a knowledge of ethics that never ends, as long as it's a minaret we live in its light, and we keep it alive by following it... He was sent as a mercy for the worlds... We are his loved ones and he missed us... So O our Lord we ask you his intercession and to be his companions under your majestic throne... We ask you a blessed drink of water, that we never thirst after, from his noble pure generous hand... We ask you to confer blessing upon your beloved prophet Muhammad and grant him peace as fill as the skies and as fill as the earth and as fill as what's between them and as you - O our Lord - like and satisfy...
And O Allah confer blessing and peace upon our master and beloved Muhammad and all his kin and companions...

With all my love...

نور ورحمة...

هو نور أضاء قلوبنا لنهتدي به في مسيرة حياتنا... هو رحمة ننهل منها لتهون علينا مصاعب الدنيا ونقبل عليها لتشفع لنا في الآخرة... هو سيرة من الحب والرأفة وعلم للأخلاق لا تنتهي ما دامت منارة نحيا بنورها ونحييها باتباعها... بعث رحمة للعالمين... نحن أحبابه وقد اشتاق لنا... فيا رب نسألك شفاعته ورفقته تحت عرشك العظيم... نسألك شربة هنيئة لا نظمأ بعدها أبداً من يده الشريفة الطاهرة الكريمة... نسألك صلاة وسلاماً على حبيبك محمد ملء السماوات وملء الأرض وملء ما بينهما وكما تحب يا ربنا وترضى...
وصل اللهم على سيدنا وحبيبنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين...

 مع محبتي...

Friday, December 18, 2015

A Story...

And I tell Him a story in the night... childish maybe... and I know that He is waiting for me every night doesn't get bored of hearing my voice... with me shy sometimes... insistent sometimes... with a voice that doesn't have the strength to arrange the words some other times... and I know He accepts me with all my conditions... with the calmness of my soul or the noisiness of my mind or a longing that burns in my heart... He is here and there sees me and hears me... I am in His eyes... and He is the amiable companion of my path and the light of my prevision and the keeper of my dreams... because He is Allah my God... I didn't know of any similarity to Him...

With all my love...


وأحكي له قصة في الليل... طفولية ربما... وأعلم أنه ينتظرني كل ليلة لا يمل من سماع صوتي... خجولة أحياناً... ملحة أحياناً... بصوت لا يقوى على ترتيب الكلمات أحياناً أخرى... و أعلم أنه يتقبلي بكل حالاتي... بهدوء روحي أو بضجيج عقلي أو بشوق يلتهب في قلبي... هو هنا وهناك يراني ويسمعني... أنا بأعينه... وهو رفيق دربي ومؤنسي ونور بصيرتي ومستودع أحلامي... لأنه الله ربي... ما علمت له سَمِيَّا...

 مع محبتي...