مقدار سعادتك لا يقاس بمقدار ما تملك من نعم.. وليس بمقدار ما تحقّق من أحلامك.. وليس بمقدار ما حصّلت من أمنياتك.. وإنما بمقدار رضاك بما أعطاك الله منها.. ورضاك بما لم يعطك.. فإذا أعطاك فلأنه صلاح لك وخير من الله يحبه ويرضاه لك.. وإذا لم يعطك فلأنه يعلم ما هو خير لك وأصلح مما تتمنى بكثير.. وفي كلٍ منحة من الله.. ولأن ما عند الله هو خير وأبقى..
مع محبتي...
مع محبتي...
Your happiness is not estimated by how much blesses you have.. nor by how much of your dreams have been achieved.. nor by how much of your wishes have been obtained.. but it's estimated by how satisfied you are with what Allah has given you of them.. and with what He hasn't.. so if He has given you, that is because it is righteousness for you and goodness from Allah that He loves and gratifies for you.. and if he hasn't, it's because He knows what is much better and righteous for you than what you're wishing for.. and there is a bestowal in each.. and because what with Allah is better and more lasting..
With all my love...